now they have hair!!
you can see eyelids instead of a black circle
the eat solid food, the move arround and grab with their paws whatever is in thery way, they seat and nibble it
the mother move the nest, at first it was upstair, you may say in the third floor(the orange one), she moved them to the fisrt floor.. all of them, they are now inside a clinex box to small for the 8 of them (6 + parents) but maybe she did that now that they are getting older and more independat.
pay atention to tha oic and you may notice the difference
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
family pictures

here are the babies first pics!!
they now are 5 days old! they are developping according to what is expected(check my last post)
you can see one of the babies on it's back and another one on it's stomach, crearlly they are going to have black o gray hair.
on the first day they were completely pink!
by tha way they cry!!!
the secodn one is the mother, and the third one is Cotton, the new female
Friday, August 11, 2006
they'r here!!!1
6 little pink hamsters! They were born today during the morning. It's amazing, you can see the little black eyes, they have a big head, tiny paws and you can see the milk in their stomachs!!1
Even better the father is helping the mother to take care of them. they are a bog happy family!
I searched for some info and her's the summary for taking care of the baby hamsters:
4-6 days: some pigment
5-7 days some hair
9-10 days some
14-16 days they have open eyes and hair, you can touch them but for short periods of time, and clean the cage
3 weeks: separate males form females
5 weeks: they can go to a new home
Even better the father is helping the mother to take care of them. they are a bog happy family!
I searched for some info and her's the summary for taking care of the baby hamsters:
4-6 days: some pigment
5-7 days some hair
9-10 days some
14-16 days they have open eyes and hair, you can touch them but for short periods of time, and clean the cage
3 weeks: separate males form females
5 weeks: they can go to a new home
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
The best mother's day ever
ok, I'm not actually a mother, but to me my pets are my kids. And in Costa Rica Augost 15th is mother's day.
I just found out that my dog, Bellota is in heat! FINALLY i've waited for 10 moths since her last heat! You cant imagine my happines.
Hey, ther's more again, FINALLY my hamster Bolita is pregnant, she's huge, her belly is so big, and her nipples are visible, round and pink. I hope to see baby hmasters by the end of the week. AS soon as I can I will show pictures of them. Plus, I bought another one, her name is Cotton. Previously I had bought another russian, but kind of a blond one. She was sooooo histericla, and anoying, I had to change her for Cotton, becuase she fought with the other hamsters plus she was afraid of everything, including me! cotton is so different, she get along with Pelusa, but since Bolitas is pregnant she is not so friendly.
Yo continue with Belllota's story. She is going to be artifitially inseminated by a champion! As soon as I get more information about it I'll make a summary. The date is August 17th!
25 days from that date, we'll now if she is or isnt pregnant!
I just found out that my dog, Bellota is in heat! FINALLY i've waited for 10 moths since her last heat! You cant imagine my happines.
Hey, ther's more again, FINALLY my hamster Bolita is pregnant, she's huge, her belly is so big, and her nipples are visible, round and pink. I hope to see baby hmasters by the end of the week. AS soon as I can I will show pictures of them. Plus, I bought another one, her name is Cotton. Previously I had bought another russian, but kind of a blond one. She was sooooo histericla, and anoying, I had to change her for Cotton, becuase she fought with the other hamsters plus she was afraid of everything, including me! cotton is so different, she get along with Pelusa, but since Bolitas is pregnant she is not so friendly.
Yo continue with Belllota's story. She is going to be artifitially inseminated by a champion! As soon as I get more information about it I'll make a summary. The date is August 17th!
25 days from that date, we'll now if she is or isnt pregnant!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Bolita an Pelusa's pent house, plus new commers!
Now my two small citters have their masion too. Today I came home form college and there i was, it has a lot of tubes, and a wheel, the water bottle, food dish, and many extra opening for future tubes! it's perfet. They can even interact with Bellota, well she licks them.. and they smell her... it's fun
by the way,, I think the are both males.... It's Murphy's Law no animal in my house will evere reproduce! It sucks... I still have some hope with Bellota.
On a another subject, we found turtles! my borhter had tow by one died after a week and the other one killed herself... she got stuck on to the filter's hose. We went to buy more because he and my father built a huge turtle tank, their own mansion...
for at least 6 mothns we've been searchign for more turtles, ofcourse, for whatever reason they were prohibited in the country... Weel today was our lucky day, on two different petstores they had tons of little read eared turtles..
guess thay are no longer prohibited!
their names are Sofia and Marisol
by the way,, I think the are both males.... It's Murphy's Law no animal in my house will evere reproduce! It sucks... I still have some hope with Bellota.
On a another subject, we found turtles! my borhter had tow by one died after a week and the other one killed herself... she got stuck on to the filter's hose. We went to buy more because he and my father built a huge turtle tank, their own mansion...
for at least 6 mothns we've been searchign for more turtles, ofcourse, for whatever reason they were prohibited in the country... Weel today was our lucky day, on two different petstores they had tons of little read eared turtles..
guess thay are no longer prohibited!
their names are Sofia and Marisol
juanro's bday
Monday 17th was my boyfriend's bday. He turned 23! so I did kind of a treasure hunt with his gift. I bought the complete animated series of XMen, he's a fan. It came in 3 DVDs. so i left 4 clues, the last one was to find the cake. On every clue there was a paper minicoupe, that he loves. It was really fun, and he managed to find all the DVDs, well it was really easy, they were arround the first floor of my house.
If you'r intereted in the paper car models, you can find them at this link, there is a big list of different models, there is a Subaru Impresa, the razing kind, that is extremely real.. and many more.
If you'r intereted in the paper car models, you can find them at this link, there is a big list of different models, there is a Subaru Impresa, the razing kind, that is extremely real.. and many more.
Friday, June 23, 2006
more news
on Wednesday I saw Pelusa mounting Bolita, so I hope to see her grow during the next couple of weeks. Maybe by july 5th I'll be writting about my baby hamsters!
I'll keep my fingers crossed
I'll keep my fingers crossed
2 species, 1 bed...
I went to the store to change the male hedgehog for a female, so now it's really Petunia (by the way it's the name of a flower)
she is a lot like ofus, but a little bit lighther
The very next day after Petunia came home (yesterday) when I woke up, my father told me ofus was missin and he watch the boxed where bellota sleeps moving...
Ofus was sleeping, inside bellotas box, under her comforter(an old one we dont use anymore) and Bellotas was still inside teh box...
I cant imagine how did Ofus scape because he never did, and I tought her cage was scaping proofed, but she proved wrong...
Also I don't undestand how Bellota didn't notice that ofus was crwaling under her conforter while she was sleeping on it! She always barks when Ofus is moving even more when she scaped..
Today ofus did the same thing, so tonight I will live a camera to see if I can record how she does it.
she is a lot like ofus, but a little bit lighther
The very next day after Petunia came home (yesterday) when I woke up, my father told me ofus was missin and he watch the boxed where bellota sleeps moving...
Ofus was sleeping, inside bellotas box, under her comforter(an old one we dont use anymore) and Bellotas was still inside teh box...
I cant imagine how did Ofus scape because he never did, and I tought her cage was scaping proofed, but she proved wrong...
Also I don't undestand how Bellota didn't notice that ofus was crwaling under her conforter while she was sleeping on it! She always barks when Ofus is moving even more when she scaped..
Today ofus did the same thing, so tonight I will live a camera to see if I can record how she does it.
Monday, June 19, 2006
What a mix up!
today I was checking that petunia was really a girl, but it's actually a boy!!!! It's a male! then I checked Ofus to see if he was a male, but (lucky) it's a girl!
So know I have a 2 year old female calles Ofusquina
and a 1 month old male Petunio...
What makes me mad is that I was looking for a female for one year and a half!!!! I already had one!
I bought both of them at the same place.
When I get tha chance I will go there and give them a very longgggg speach...
So know I have a 2 year old female calles Ofusquina
and a 1 month old male Petunio...
What makes me mad is that I was looking for a female for one year and a half!!!! I already had one!
I bought both of them at the same place.
When I get tha chance I will go there and give them a very longgggg speach...
Sunday, June 18, 2006

For those that didn't know that I had a hedgehog, I do. He's 2 years old , black and pepper, calles Ofus. I've been looking for a female for him. It took meuntil today. I saw one about a month ago. I went to tha ATM, when I came back she was gone! Someone but her.... Yesterday I saw somw hedhogs at the same store, but, all males....
Then I called the place where I bougth Ofus.. they told me they were going to arrive today.
When I woke up, I called to find out if they arrived and if there were any females, and if fact there was one!!! I ask them to save her for me.
We went to the cementery to visit my grandfather's grave and then I went buy her. For my luck she is white or a snowflake! just as I wanted.
Well she is a month old and her name is Petunia, here are some pics of Petunia and Ofus, he is the darker one
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Bolita and Pelusa pcis
closer look
Sunday, June 11, 2006
sad time!

My father bought 2 great danes, the couple. They were living in the south of Costa Rica in a house we have there. That was about a year an 4 moths ago. They were the first dogs we bought so we were kind of unexperienced. to make the story short, they were not the healthiest, and since they were 4 moths old they developed the worst case of mange I'v ever seen! We tried every treatment posible, but it's so bad that probably this week they both will be put to sleep. So in memory of Axel and Pequeña, they were the sweetest dog, they thought they were as small as the beagle and always tryied to sit on my lap... here are some pic when they were a couple of months old.
Monday, June 05, 2006
bolita y pelusa
those are the names of my two new russian hamsters. I've wanted one since i saw a girl carry one in a small cage while I was walking Bellota. Thas was almost a year ago! Today I finally bought one, a female, but then I asked for the male becuase i really want them to reproduce. I bet, I'm going to see baby hamsters before baby beagles...
the names.. I actually can't distinguish which one is the female or the male, they are almost identical! I came up with this names, becuase my grandmother asked me about bellota but first she said, Pelusa (lint). I remembered about some stories my aunt used to tell me and my brother about 2 cats Bolita (little ball) and Peluson (big lint), thus the names I gave my hamsters!!
the problem is I can't decide which name is for the female: I first decided that Pelusa was the girl, but Pelusa was the nickname for Maradona, so it can be the male too. since they look pretty much the same and won't respond to their names, It doesn't matter!
the names.. I actually can't distinguish which one is the female or the male, they are almost identical! I came up with this names, becuase my grandmother asked me about bellota but first she said, Pelusa (lint). I remembered about some stories my aunt used to tell me and my brother about 2 cats Bolita (little ball) and Peluson (big lint), thus the names I gave my hamsters!!
the problem is I can't decide which name is for the female: I first decided that Pelusa was the girl, but Pelusa was the nickname for Maradona, so it can be the male too. since they look pretty much the same and won't respond to their names, It doesn't matter!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
tired of playing?
my debut!
Monday, May 29, 2006
I'm a cook!!
i've always loved cooking, speacially desserts but they tend to be a little bit too chemical for me. Still I do it, but not as professionally as I want to be....
On the other hand I'm a genius. today I cooked the best Mango chutney I've ever tasted. I read the recipe from Alton Browns and then did my own stuff... everyone in my family loved it! Once again my experiment was a succes.
I forgot, I served it with fried Trucha.
On the other hand I'm a genius. today I cooked the best Mango chutney I've ever tasted. I read the recipe from Alton Browns and then did my own stuff... everyone in my family loved it! Once again my experiment was a succes.
I forgot, I served it with fried Trucha.
Sunday, May 28, 2006

this Sunday I was with my family at my grandmother's house and we started playing jackses, but we had some doubts concerning the rules. For those who don't know the game here's a summary:
by the way this is a game that falls into the traditional category in Costa Rica
jackses are little star like figurines
1.You need a comfortable space, tipically the floor!
2. you throw the jackses on the floor and the you bounce a little rubber ball on the floor, while this one is on the air you pick up each one of the jacjses one by one, with out moving any of the others or letting the ball bounce more than once.
3. you pick up the jackses by sets of 2, tehn 4, 5, .... and so on, until you reach 10. of course if you pick up a set of six, there are only 4 left...
4. you can only use one hand
so thats the summay
I use the picture I found at this website where you can find more traditional games, it's in Spanish
more trees!
I just bought two more for my collection. One is a Muralla, i actually though it was coffe!. It has tiny red fruits that look very much like the coffe cherry. Also has tiny white flowers that smell really good, as cofee does also!
Well, since what I was looking for was coffe i bought a small tree but i have to turn it into a bonsai, another challenge for me.
On january i went to Tilaran and cut some branches of a tree they call Indio chingo, in English it means (as bad as it may sound) naked indian... but the good news is they are going extremely well. At least 3 branches have new leaves!!!! so exciting.
Also I bouth a wipping willow, a tree not a bonsai, a comple of months ago. I dind the same thing, and it has roots and leaves!!! the interesting thing was that it's almost as thing as a toothpick!
i hope they all turn into really beautifull bonsais!
Well, since what I was looking for was coffe i bought a small tree but i have to turn it into a bonsai, another challenge for me.
On january i went to Tilaran and cut some branches of a tree they call Indio chingo, in English it means (as bad as it may sound) naked indian... but the good news is they are going extremely well. At least 3 branches have new leaves!!!! so exciting.
Also I bouth a wipping willow, a tree not a bonsai, a comple of months ago. I dind the same thing, and it has roots and leaves!!! the interesting thing was that it's almost as thing as a toothpick!
i hope they all turn into really beautifull bonsais!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I'm so exited! there is going to be a 3rd season of Veronica Mars. It's my favorite show. i'm ansious to see what's going to happen on the next one. I wan Logan to stay with Veronica.
Common this show has mistery, romance, action and comedy, and sometimes animals! Is perfect!
Common this show has mistery, romance, action and comedy, and sometimes animals! Is perfect!
new camera
Monday, May 15, 2006

Well last Saturday was my party. Almost everyone I expected showed up, but some of then left too early, some arrived to late and other were like holograms.. At least we did had a good time if we ignore the timing.
The piñata was a succes! everyone was ansious to hit it. It was way to stuffed so, by the second hitter it fell! Still we grabbed the candy and treats. It was grate.
Here's a picture of me, my cousing and some friends and the Bellota (power puff girl) that was decorating my piñata.
After that, we ate the cake that was delicous. At first it was a downner caus the pastry chef that I asked to bake it forgot about it, so he gave me one he had in storage.... but the decorations were not as pretty as the onesI asked for.
Also I baked mini chocolate hedgehogs that I found here;
Everyone liked them, but the shape was not a pretty as the one from the link.
Monday, May 08, 2006
I think i should change the name of my blog. Ihave so many hobbies it's hadr to talk only about one.
As you can see by the name of my of this post, I collect bonsais.
Rigth now i have 6:
Ficus Jasmino
Escampa Tropical
Arbol del tesoro
Cipres (in prosses)
Theye are pretty young, all of them between 3 to 7 8years.
I started with the Olivo, since then it's become and obsesion, every tree I see I picture it as a bonsai...
The last tree were a gift for my bday from my boyfriend! yey
Now a need a shelf to place them all together. Now there' everywhere arround the house
As you can see by the name of my of this post, I collect bonsais.
Rigth now i have 6:
Ficus Jasmino
Escampa Tropical
Arbol del tesoro
Cipres (in prosses)
Theye are pretty young, all of them between 3 to 7 8years.
I started with the Olivo, since then it's become and obsesion, every tree I see I picture it as a bonsai...
The last tree were a gift for my bday from my boyfriend! yey
Now a need a shelf to place them all together. Now there' everywhere arround the house
my bday!
on a differente note... May 10th is my BDAY!
I'm going to be 21! now I can drink all arrpund the world!
For my party I plan to welcome everyone with a shot of cheap tequila to get all my guests to be in the party mood!
Also, we're going to have a piñata. It's going be Bellota (I don't know her name in English0, the Power Puff girl dressed in green, bc thats my dogs name, remeber..
on a differente note... May 10th is my BDAY!
I'm going to be 21! now I can drink all arrpund the world!
For my party I plan to welcome everyone with a shot of cheap tequila to get all my guests to be in the party mood!
Also, we're going to have a piñata. It's going be Bellota (I don't know her name in English0, the Power Puff girl dressed in green, bc thats my dogs name, remeber..
Saturday, April 29, 2006
here's a tip. not sure how effective it is, my Vet told me this;
just when your bitch is starting her heat feed her puppy food. This is going to give her more energy so she is going to ovulate more, thus more puppies!
just when your bitch is starting her heat feed her puppy food. This is going to give her more energy so she is going to ovulate more, thus more puppies!
Here's another link that I foudn very helpfull:
you can find guides to have your own kennel, how to build it and arrange it
I hope one day to have my own kennel
you can find guides to have your own kennel, how to build it and arrange it
I hope one day to have my own kennel
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
about breeding beagles
Since I am new to breeding, I've been reading a lot. Here's a link that really helped me; it's only about breeding beagles. It's from the uk so it explains how to breed hunting beagles, but stil it's very helpful.
Here's my summary:
after your bitch starts her second heat (or the one you desire), start using the calledar.
1. mark the callendar for the 7th day after the first day she is in heat. this is when you should get her with the disered sire.
2. during the next 5 days she sould be with the sire 3 times, for a 100% fertilization
3. you have to remember that the day of mating is not the same as the conception day, it's usualll 2 days later.
4. 20 -25 days after mating take the bitch to the vet to check if she is pregnant with a simple palpation ( the vet trys to feel the puppies, first to see if the bitch (now a dame) is pregnant and how many puppies she is carrying.
5. 60 - 65 days after mating you can expect puppies. Be ready to sleep a lot less, they tend to arrive at nigth.!
Here's my summary:
after your bitch starts her second heat (or the one you desire), start using the calledar.
1. mark the callendar for the 7th day after the first day she is in heat. this is when you should get her with the disered sire.
2. during the next 5 days she sould be with the sire 3 times, for a 100% fertilization
3. you have to remember that the day of mating is not the same as the conception day, it's usualll 2 days later.
4. 20 -25 days after mating take the bitch to the vet to check if she is pregnant with a simple palpation ( the vet trys to feel the puppies, first to see if the bitch (now a dame) is pregnant and how many puppies she is carrying.
5. 60 - 65 days after mating you can expect puppies. Be ready to sleep a lot less, they tend to arrive at nigth.!
Breeding Bellota

Since I love dogs, my dream has always been to breed a dog. This is going to be the first time I do this.
Fisrt Step: get a female dog
In more "technical " terms, a beach. Her nme is Bellota, she a beautiful beagle. She is 1 year and 7 moths old, extremly social so i spect it to be easy.
Second Step: find a male dog
I have about 8 male dogs or sires (to continue the lesson in vocabulary) that are dying (they are dogs!) to mate with Bellota.
Third Step:
wait for the bitch to be in heat, at leats for the second time, usually when they are a year and half.
just in case: when the beach is in heat is when she starts the reproductive period, I' explain more tomorrow.
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