Sunday, May 28, 2006

more trees!

I just bought two more for my collection. One is a Muralla, i actually though it was coffe!. It has tiny red fruits that look very much like the coffe cherry. Also has tiny white flowers that smell really good, as cofee does also!
Well, since what I was looking for was coffe i bought a small tree but i have to turn it into a bonsai, another challenge for me.

On january i went to Tilaran and cut some branches of a tree they call Indio chingo, in English it means (as bad as it may sound) naked indian... but the good news is they are going extremely well. At least 3 branches have new leaves!!!! so exciting.

Also I bouth a wipping willow, a tree not a bonsai, a comple of months ago. I dind the same thing, and it has roots and leaves!!! the interesting thing was that it's almost as thing as a toothpick!
i hope they all turn into really beautifull bonsais!

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